The tradition of celebrating May Day or Labor Day as a national holiday is many years old. The Socialist Party held a celebration in respect of the working class on May 1st, a date that became celebrated as May Day.
In 1887, the first states declared it a state holiday: Colorado, Oregon, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. In 1894, Congress passed a act that designated Labor Day as an official national holiday. At present time Labor Day is celebrated in the Canada, United States and other industrialized countries. While in the U.S. it is common holidays, which also select the end of the summer season; in European countries its roots to the working class pending clear.
The celebration of the parades and events that is takes place in all work places. It is an ideal occasion for millions of workers, the labor union movement. Mayday Parade is a community gathering, art event, green festival and celebration of spring. The puppets, dancers, marchers and musicians participate in the parade.
Dancers, drums, musicians and giant puppets tell the story of the parade. Everyone's take part in the spectacle of thousands of marchers in multi colors costumes 'jumpin' down the parade route to the sounds of calypso and reggae. Marchers wearing coloured T-shirts and use banners on the time of parade.