Whenever you offer any one with white rose then it means that you miss him or he (recipient) is heavenly. With many emotions related to white rose, a day has been set to celebrate white rose day. On the day of valentine day, white rose also have same importance as compared to other color of rose flower.
White Roses is a symbol of purity and it symbolizes truth and innocence with message of I miss you and you are heavenly. When white rose combined with colors of rose then its meaning get changed. White rose with combination of yellow rose signifies message of harmony while with red rose, it indicates bondage of harmony.
On June, 10 white rose day date is celebrated. The day of white rose is celebrated in the name of King James III and VIII. It is birthday date of both of the royal kings of England who were saviors of English monarchy. White Rose is symbol of legitimate Roman Catholic monarchy all over Europe. White rose is known for his peace message throughout the world. White rose means Innocence and Purity and Secrecy and Silence.
When mixed with red it gives message of unity. While dried white is associated with mourn or death and loss of virtue. The white rosebud contains meaning of girlhood hidden inside.