Samba Bands

In Brazil, several samba bands play in the annually carnivals on open topped Lorries. During these events, they also gather in a large stadium where they play together creating a huge sound.

In the rest of the world, several bands perform in streets during events and celebrations but some also play between these active periods. Many people watch these as they can be heard from long distances so attract attention from targeted audience. Your samba band will find itself popular. There will be several school functions at which the band can perform, and it almost certainly will not be long before the band is in demand from a wider local community.

Folk Samba Bands

Samba is not just a form of music and dance; it is also a broader cultural phenomenon. As well as the musical style, samba also carries other cultural markers, special foods cooked on special occasions, and a variety of dances, parties, and events. Strong influences have been left on the music of Brazil include musical comes from Africa, India, Portugal and the natives of the Amazon rainforest and of other parts of the country. Samba is certainly the most internationally popular form of Brazilian music, although bossa nova and other genres have also received some sporadic attention outside of the country.

Samba music has African roots, originating in part from a kind of Afro Brazilian dance, the Samba de Roda, which is still alive in Bahia in Northern Brazil. The samba exists across Brazil in the form of different rhythms and regional folk dances. Other forms of music derived from this innovative samba include samba de gafiera, samba de enredo, samba de breque, samba cancao, samba-rock, partido alto and pagode.