The description of the holiday services for Rosh Hashanah is average for all the movements by way of one exception. Those twigs of Judaism that do not have the Musaf service, such as the Reform movement, add the shofar service & the Aleinu prayer that is part of it, to the morning service, later than the reading of the Haftarah.
As one of the High Holy Days, the celebration of the new Jewish calendar year,Rosh Hashanah, is marked by the addition of numerous unique and elaborate prayer services.
Implicit by the rabbis as an annual coronation of God as the ultimate spiritual sovereign of the Jewish people and, undeniably, the cosmos Rosh Hashanah worship services are characterized by pageantry intended to parallel the royal celebrations in ancient kingdoms. In addition, Rosh Hashanah is the official beginning of the High Holy Days, the Days of Awe, in which Jews are called ahead to begin a solemn process of introspection and repentance for past misdeeds.
Therefore, in addition to the royal images of God prevalent in the Rosh Hashanah liturgy, there are frequent prayers dealing with our personal, internal spiritual life and external behavior &conduct.