Mother-in-Law Day

'Mother-in-Law Day' is celebrated on the 4th Sunday of October every year. The tradition of celebrating Mother in law day began on January 23, 2002. It is similar to Mother's Day in that sense as it is also a day to celebrate motherhood. After all, this a celebration of a mother who gave birth to the person you love the most in your life and that is your wife or husband.

Because of her you got that love and care from your spouse whom you surely deserve but this was not possible without your mother-in-law. So, on this day let her know that she is precious to you. Let her know that you are lucky to have her in your life and appreciate your mother-in-law by telling her the qualities she has. Express your love for your mother-in-law by gifting her things she likes the most and thank her for all the support and care she gives you.

Mother-in-law day 2014

The very mention of the word mother-in-law speaks of a bitter-sweet relationship. People celebrate Mother-in-law's Day and this special relationship by sending beautiful greeting cards, e-cards and adorable gifts to their lovable second mom. In this year, mother-in-law day 2014 will fall on 26th 0ctober that is on the fourth Sunday of October as it is observed. This is a very special day and don't let any stone remain unturned to make your mother-in-law feel that she is special to you and you are nothing without her love, support and care.