Makar Sankranti

Of all the religious festival that is in relation to the Hindu religion there is none which is as important as makar sankranti as it does not only offers the religious context but also in various other aspect of the lives and the believes of the people.

It is not only celebrated in India but also in various other countries of the sub-continent of Asia making it one of the luckiest days of the year. One of the most fascinating parts of the festival and its context not only on the matter so faith but also based on the skills of astronomy, it is always celebrated on the 14th of January every year and is one of those rare festival that does not changes its date. In short it is an important yet constant event that suggests the beginning of spring season as the sun moves away from the tropic of Capricorn and allows the days to be longer with brighter and more fulfilling days of the year.

It is a known fact that makar sankranti celebrations is also known as 'holy phase of transition' where the people on this day have to follow a ritualistic day as bathing in the holy river Yamuna and the famous Kumbha Mela is also organized with the rotation of every 12 years at one of four holy locations as Haridwar, Prayag (Allahabad), Ujjain and Nashik.

Makar Sankranti Celebrations 2021 in India

The makar sankranti 2021 will fall on the 15th of January that will mark the end of winter and the coming of summer and in leap year it occurs on 15th January. According to the Hindu calendar it falls in the month of Magha irrespective of the fact that it is a lunar calendar for this fest it is looked up based on the solar calendar as the sun is the vital key player here. There is one but slight change in the date that occurs about thousands of years.

The makar sankranti 2021 in india will also be celebrated with all the fun and fare as any other year. This is not just a festival but rather it is the one thing that connects us to the true cultural heritage that we have. As it can be seen all over the country observed under various names but have the same purpose and belief.