Chinese New Year Parade

The Chinese New Year Parade in a right sense show the essence of those deep rooted rituals which resembles the immortality of phoenix growing again on its ruins. The Chinese New Year Parade is mingle of classic American marching processions and the customary Lantern Festival of China.

The Chinese New Year Parade in a right sense show the essence of those deep rooted rituals which resembles the immortality of phoenix growing again on its ruins. The Chinese New Year Parade is mingle of classic American marching processions and the customary Lantern Festival of China. The Chinese New Year Parade with attractive floats, costumes, dragons, violent lions, glow and explosion firecrackers continues to joy thousands and thousands of people who come to watch.

Chinese New Year Dragon Dance showcases the finest of Chinese civilization and customs. The Chinese New Year parade dragon dance is a sign of the Chinese festivity. The populace of China have trust in a long held faith that they are descendents of the dragon, an age old condemnation which is firmly fixed in their customs and traditions.

Chinese New Year Parade Dragon

In China the dragon is hold in high esteem for its mystical power, goodness, fruitfulness, vigilance and dignity. The Chinese New Year dragon dance sign the bringing of good fortune and triumph in the coming year for all the human beings on world. Dragons are careful as the governors of rainfall. In China, where the common of people depend on farming for their living, the timely coming of rains is a very necessity. The mythology say that the dragon dance was first performed as a means of convince the "Dragon King" into releasing rain onto the famine suffering lands of the farmers.

Chinese new year parade dragon is an important element of the overall chinese new year celebration. The chinese new year dragon marks the beginning of a fresh new year, with fresh new year thoughts, and fresh ambitions. Chinese new year dragon dance is particularly a form of chinese tradition that come under the chinese culture. This dragon is the symbol of ethnicity and a very well known chinese identity recognized all over the world. According to the chinese ancient traditions, the chinese new year dragon is supposed to bring success, luck and charm to people, moreover, it is a sign of power, dignity, fertility, auspiciousness in china.